When it comes to bing eating there’s a lot of psychological reasons it could be happening. But. One of the dominating reasons is because of deprivation of their favourite foods. —> Cookies —> Chocolate —> Pizza —> Ice cream —> Chips —> *etc. Too many view these foods as unhealthy, wrong or inherently fattening/fat storing. Sorry, but that’s not how physiology works. Now, should your whole days worth of food come from that list? Of course not, don’t take this out of context. But can you eat literally ANY food on the DAILY in moderation & still lose fat & reach your goals? 100 f”cking percent. Anyone who tells you otherwise is wrong. Because when you say, “No sugar ever again” “No sweets ever again” “Not allowed to eat pizza” [I’m getting sad just writing these...] You’re just a bing eating ticking time bomb for the day you can’t take it anymore. And because your massive level of deprivation you 9 times out of 10 make up for lost time. This is why so many people live either in the ultra restricted side of things or the binge uncontrollably side of things. Usually right about now someone says, “Oli, I can’t have just 1 or 2 cookies, I end up eating the whole pack, so I avoid it all together.” That’s the issue, nothing gets solved. The only reason you couldn’t eat just 1 or 2 is because that food is on a pedestal & you “can’t have it.” But when you enjoy anything in moderation every single day you don’t even have the desire to eat a whole box of donuts because you can have another donut tomorrow. This is how I teach my online clients to get away from guilt ridden dieting. Have ANYTHING in moderation every single day. You know what happens? ✅ Fat is lost ✅ Inches are gone ✅ Get stronger ✅ No guilt ✅ Enjoy any food everyday ✅ Get healthy the entire time
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