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Drop the Ego: Form Over Weight

person deadlifting with good form and bad form with a rounded spine

When lifting weights, it's easy to get carried away and start lifting heavier and heavier. However, it's important to strip back the ego, and remember to prioritise correct form, rather than the amount of weight lifted. Quality over quantity, ALWAYS. Yes, lifting heavier weights may seem impressive, but it can lead to serious injuries if proper form is not followed. (And not being able to train due to injury isn't very impressive!)

When you lift weights with incorrect form, you are putting unnecessary stress on your joints and muscles. This can lead to acute injuries, such as sprains or strains, or chronic injuries, such as tendinitis or joint pain. These injuries can be painful and take a long time to heal, which can set back your fitness goals. By prioritising correct form when lifting weights, you reduce the risk of injury and allow yourself to safely increase the weight you lift over time.

Secondly, lifting weights with correct form targets the intended muscles more effectively. When you use correct form, you engage the muscles you are trying to work, rather than relying on other muscles to compensate for poor form. For example, when you perform a squat with correct form, you engage your glutes, hamstrings, and quads. However, if you perform a squat with incorrect form, you may end up engaging your lower back or knees instead, which can lead to injury. By using correct form, you ensure that you are working the intended muscles and getting the most out of your workout.

Thirdly, lifting weights with correct form improves your overall fitness. When you use correct form, you are able to lift more weight over time, which leads to increased strength and muscle mass. This increased strength can also translate into improved performance in other areas of your life, such as sports or everyday activities. By prioritizing correct form when lifting weights, you are setting yourself up for long-term success and improved fitness.

To summarise, lifting with correct form is always more impressive than the amount of weight lifted. Focus on nailing the form first, then increase the weight from there. If the form starts slipping, drop the weight back down. Form over weight.


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